Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Stargazer" completed!

To give myself a feeling of accomplishment, I have jumped ahead and finished editing "Stargazer", the epilogue to "Adversity Conquered!" While a few effects could use a little tweaking and cleanup, Steve and I were anxious to post this following the sneak preview at the January MCA-I meeting. So here it is:

"Stargazer" - Epilogue to "Adversity Conquered!" from Bruce Bertrand on Vimeo.

When the complete "Adversity Conquered!" is finished (who knows when?) it is our intention to submit it on the festival circuit prior to any other public screenings. Originally, we were going to share "Stargazer" only with friends and associates until the entire epic was finished; but we have decided to share it with the world with the hope of creating some salivation for the main course! In the meantime, enjoy the epilogue - or what you might call "the calm after the storm!"

Bruce B